The arrival of a black 1969 Mercury Cougar stirs the imagination of a trio of young friends in the town of Eden Falls. When unexplained disappearances occur, it appears their worst fears are coming to life. Includes ePub and Mobi copies.
Journey into a world where, despite appearances, nothing is quite right. This is a place where everyday life takes a turn for the macabre. Includes ePub and Mobi copies.
A man on a cross-country drive notices high-beams coming up fast behind him. Irritation soon gives way to fear, which quickly blossoms into full-blown terror. That’s just the beginning… Includes ePub and Mobi copies.
It’s the summer of 1987, and a storm is rolling into Bisbee, Arizona. As Steve Richards settles into his radio show, calls come in from horrified residents. The thunderhead isn’t the only thing visiting the town… Includes ePub and Mobi copies.